LAROCHE GUALCHIERANI Super Olimpic Tearing Line


TEARING LINE made by LAROCHE & GUALCHIERANI, years 1993/2002 +/-


The Tearing line is composed of the following machines

  • 1 Robot made by LAROCHE to feed complete bales of rags &  wastes in the cutting line
  • 1 Cutter rotative type made by LAROCHE model CR500
  • 1 Cutter rotative type made by LAROCHE model StarCUT
  • 1 Tearing machine made by LAROCHE model SYPEROLYMPIC 1500 mm width, 5 cylinders with automatic feeding
  • 1 Balling press made by GUALCHIERANI


1 Laroche Robot (2)   1 Laroche Robot (4)

2 Laroche Rotary Cutters Starcut & CR500 (1)  3 Laroche SuperOlympique (1)

3 Laroche SuperOlympique (7)  3 Laroche SuperOlympique (8)

4 Gualchierani Balepress (1) 4 Gualchierani Balepress (3)